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Healthcare architecture is a specialized field of architecture focused on the design and planning of healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, medical offices, and healthcare centers. Our architects work closely with healthcare providers, administrators, and stakeholders to create environments that support the delivery of quality healthcare services and promote healing, comfort, and well-being for patients, staff, and visitors.


Key aspects of healthcare architecture include:


  • Patient-Centered Design: Healthcare architects prioritize patient comfort, safety, and privacy in the design of healthcare facilities, creating spaces that promote healing and reduce stress for patients and their families.

  • Functional Layout: Healthcare facilities are designed with a focus on efficient workflow, clear circulation paths, and optimal use of space to support the delivery of healthcare services and enhance staff productivity.

  • Infection Control: Healthcare architects implement design strategies to minimize the spread of infections, such as proper ventilation systems, handwashing stations, and isolation rooms, to ensure a safe and hygienic environment for patients and staff.

  • Technology Integration: Healthcare architecture incorporates the latest technology, medical equipment, and communication systems to support cutting-edge healthcare services, telemedicine, and data management.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Healthcare facilities are designed to be flexible and adaptable to accommodate changes in healthcare delivery models, advances in medical technology, and evolving patient care needs.

  • Sustainability: Healthcare architects prioritize sustainable design practices, such as energy-efficient systems, green building materials, and waste reduction strategies, to minimize environmental impact and promote a healthy indoor environment.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Healthcare architects ensure that healthcare facilities comply with healthcare regulations, building codes, accessibility standards, and patient safety guidelines to protect the well-being of patients and staff.


Overall, healthcare architecture plays a critical role in shaping the physical environment of healthcare facilities to support the delivery of high-quality, safe, and efficient healthcare services. By integrating design principles that prioritize patient care, staff well-being, and operational efficiency, our architects contribute to the overall success and effectiveness of healthcare facilities in meeting the needs of patients and the healthcare community.

Cartwright Architects & Engineers

635 South 100 East

Suite 110

Logan, UT 84321

PN: 435.753.2850

Cartwright Architects and Engineers
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